Does Hypnosis for Drinking Really Work?

Known for being a quick and effective type of therapy, it is true that hypnosis can work to help you stop drinking. There have been countless instances where hypnotherapy has been a great help in drink-related issues, as well as for quitting smoking and helping ease anxiety and depression, but to name a few. 

When it comes to looking at hypnosis for drinking from a scientific perspective, hypnotherapy is a psychological therapy and is recognised by the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Research has shown when EEG readings during hypnotherapy have been observed, there has been a recording of changes in brain activity during hypnosis, supporting evidence-based hypnotherapy for the treatment of mental health disorders.

During stop drinking hypnosis sessions, a hyponotheraist will effectively induces a hypnotic state that allows the brain to become more responsive to suggestions, including changing addictive behaviours, such as abstaining from alcohol. 

What Is Alcohol Dependency?

Alcohol dependency is a type of alcoholism, and if you feel anxious when you do not have access to alcohol, you are struggling with your reliance on alcohol. Although a typical miscomprehension is that alcoholism means you can not function without consuming alcohol at least once a day, this is not the actual definition. Alcoholics are not defined by how often or how much they drink or whether they are able to work and continue to live a normal life. Alcoholism simply refers to a dependency on alcohol, which has become out of your control. 

Misuse of alcohol can present itself in various ways. You might need to drink alcohol every time you socialise to enjoy yourself or drink to relieve stress or help you get to sleep. When alcohol has become a necessary part of your life, yet you can continue to function, you are classed as a high functioning alcoholic. Many people may recognize this problem and join an AA group or downright approach recovery centers like Arista Recovery ( to get help and heal from their dependence. Sometimes, a person may not realise their addiction, in which case it becomes important to nudge them towards seeking the help they need.

Alcohol has become a normal part of life and is promoted everywhere you turn, unlike other controlled substances. Drinking alcohol regularly is not unusual, and in fact, abstaining from alcohol is often considered strange and people may even be ostracised for doing so. Invisible peer pressure to consume alcohol on a regular basis can come from entertainment media, such as films, television shows, advertising, drinking games, socialising with friends and family and when eating out.

What Are the Benefits of Giving Up Alcohol?

Your relationship with alcohol may not seem to be having a negative effect on your life, but don’t be fooled. Inevitably, long-term alcohol dependency will start to adversely impact your mental and physical health, your work and future opportunities, and maybe most significant of all, your personal relationships.  

It is well known that excessive alcohol consumption is associated with various health issues. Reducing your consumption of alcohol or giving up alcohol for a period of time can significantly improve the health of your heart, liver, kidneys, and brain. In addition, you will decrease the likelihood of developing dementia, certain cancers, and debilitating mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. There is no reason not to try to reduce the amount of alcohol you drink and break free from alcohol dependency. 

Take the first step towards a healthier and happier life today with an online hypnosis for drinking programme created by a team of experienced hypnotherapists.

Sam Roberts

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