There are many things that I regularly get asked by my friends, fellow parents and readers of This Chick Cooks. Some of them are about my personal family life and how I raise my little (or fairly big brood) others are asking for advice on how to deal with fussy eaters and others wondering where I met my husband and where This Chick Cooks came from.
I thought I would do a dedicated FAQ page so you could find out all about me, take a look below and if there is anything else you would like to know, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
What’s the Best Thing About Being a Parent
As a stay at home mum, I am extremely fortunate to be able to really spend every moment with the kids. From taking them to school in the morning to being there when the little one says her first words, the best thing about parenthood is seeing them grow into wonderful little people.
Why the Name, This Chick Cooks
When I first decided I wanted to start a food, family & lifestyle blog I was really struggling with the name. One evening, when I was putting the kids to bed my husband asked me why I loved cooking in the first place, what ignited my love for food and it took me right back to culinary college. I hated being the only female training to be a professional chef yet women are expected to be the housewife cooking every night for their families.
I wanted to show the world that yes, this chick cooks at home but also in a professional environment, and so the name was created.
What is your Favourite Cookbook
My kitchen is stacked to the brim with cookbooks which have bene passed from generations to generations, covered in ingredients, torn at the seams and hanging on by a thread.
My favourite cook of all time has to de Delia Smith, she is a classic cook who never fails to inspire me to get my creative juices flowing. I would be hard pushed to pick a single cookbook of Delia’s as my ultimate favourite so can I say them all?
What is your go-to recipe for the family when in a rush?
When am I not in a rush?
Family life can be utterly hectic and you don’t always have time to create a massive freshly prepared meal for seven so in case of busy nights, take a look at my Quick Recipes.
How do you Cope with a Family of 7?
It’s not easy by any means, trust me.
I always thought I wanted a small family of one or two children when I was younger but after I had my eldest, I thought I really found my calling as a parent.
It’s chaotic, hectic and I don’t get a moment’s peace but it’s the most rewarding job in the world raising a family and seeing such important bonds develop knowing n matter what happens in this world, they will always have each other.