The Best Meals You Can Make That Are Both Gluten And Lactose Free.

There are some tricky customers out there. You might be used to serving up food for a lactose-intolerant person. You might be used to serving up food for your gluten-intolerant friends. It isn’t too hard to do one or the other, but trying to accommodate a group of guests that contains both gluten and lactose-intolerant people without driving yourself crazy over hundreds of different recipes can be hard.

However, there are resources freely available, such as The Recipe Book, that can give you quick and easy-to-cook solutions for your gluten-intolerant friends. Plus, here are some of the best meals you can make that should keep everybody happy and healthy.

How to know if you have an intolerance

Food intolerances are on the rise, with millions of people being effected by an inability to metabolize certain proteins and sugars. Home testing kits are available from companies like Intolerance Lab in the UK and are considered accurate. The best way of figuring out what kind of food intolerance somebody has is the most simple – cutting out foods one at a time to check how your health fares.

Spanish Orange And Almond Cake

Lets start with the dessert first, just like we have always wanted to. This classic Spanish cake contains no gluten or lactose, but plenty of citrusy flavor. Whole oranges are simmered and then very finely chopped alongside crushed or chopped almonds in order to make the base of this flavorful showstopper. Norma Macmillan has provided us with a recipe write-up over at Allrecipes.

Cherry Tomato Salad

Sometimes the simplest dishes can be the most welcome at gatherings. Salley Sibley’s cherry tomato salad recipe is extremely simple indeed – being made of vinegar, oil and herbs. The key to a good tomato salad is (of course) the quality of your main ingredient. Only buy tomatoes in the summer months. If you buy them out of season you are likely to receive fruit that has travelled far, sat in a cold box for ages and lost flavor.

Black Bean And Corn Quinoa

Quinoa is fast becoming a grain of choice for people eating a gluten free diet. Whilst it is gluten free, it also provides lots of protein and carbohydrates that food intolerant people can easily metabolize.

This black bean and corn quinoa recipe from Taste of Home bucks the trend of boring quinoa based meals. This herby, spicy dish is perfect as a filling main meal or as a side to fish.

Lime, Sesame And Coconut Courgette Carpaccio.

Spiralized courgette provides the base for this light and fragrant fusion dish inspired by both Thai and Italian cuisine. The lime, chili and coconut make this a perfect accompaniment to curries, kebabs, sea bass and chicken. Whilst spiralized courgette is sold in large supermarkets these days, it is far inferior to fresh stuff that you prepare at home. If you don’t own a spiralizer, carefully cut the vegetable into thin strips using a knife and curl then around a pencil or your finger.

Sam Roberts

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