Pumpkin Waffle Recipe – Gluten Free

To pull readers in I perhaps could have entitled this blog “Easy, Gluten-Free Waffle Recipe” or anything along those lines which implies its simplicity, but I’d be lying through my teeth – err, through my keyboard… I don’t know if it’s just me or indeed if this is one of the more challenging waffle recipes to get right, but having to cater to a gluten-intolerant stomach in my household I simply could not give up on a delicious gluten-free diet that’s healthy too. You rarely find all three of those properties in any recipe, so I eventually got it right and I truly hope you have an easier time of it.

Nutritional information

How I eventually nailed it with regards to getting the taste just right with these waffles was a result of quite a bit of trial and error, including following the instructions I came across for its preparation to the letter, then when the final product didn’t quite come out right I was in for a lot of tweaking and adjusting of the ingredients quantities, cooking time, etc. Now every time I make waffles with this particular recipe I have to make four large ones or eight small ones depending on which waffle maker I use – I have two different sized ones which yield different sized waffles, both of which I got from  www.expondo.co.uk since I just couldn’t bring myself to go home with just one. In any case, one serving (two small or one large) will have any healthy-eating advocate brimming with pride, since it has only 277 calories, very little sugar, fat and protein while it has some good fibre content as well.


Dry ingredients:

  • Gluten-free, all-purpose flour (14 1/2 cups)
  • Baking powder (2 teaspoons)
  • Baking soda (1/2 teaspoon)
  • Pumpkin pie spice (2 teaspoons)

Wet ingredients:

  • Pumpkin puree (3/4 cup)
  • Eggs (2 large)
  • Maple syrup (2 tablespoons)
  • Coconut oil (1 tablespoon)
  • Unsweetened almond milk (1 cup)
  • Vanilla extract (1/2 to 3/4 tablespoon)

Preparation instructions

I really don’t know how much of a difference this makes, but with this particular recipe I preheat the waffle maker and keep it at medium before mixing the ingredients. It could very well be a trivial detail considering just how quickly modern day waffle makers heat up (they don’t really need preheating), but hey, like I said before, I had a hard time perfecting this recipe, so anything I do that has worked for me remains a key part of the preparation procedure and the ingredients list (and measurements). So yeah, first heat the waffle iron to a medium heat.

Next, throw the wet ingredients into a large bowl and mix. Add in the dry ingredients and mix just until everything is combined.

If you need to use non-stick cooking spray with your waffle maker, now is the time to spray it on, otherwise the next step is simply to pour in the batter, one cup at a time, after which step you cook for about 2 minutes max. If the waffle needs further cooking, it’ll probably only need about 30 seconds more, otherwise the waffle is then ready to enjoy!

Total prep time is about 25 minutes.

Sam Roberts

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