Just What Do Gluten Intolerant People Eat?

So I’ve been getting quite a few requests lately about just exactly what it is that gluten intolerant people are supposed to eat. I know how hard it can be trying to prepare meals in the absence of a major ingredient which goes into the production of many foods, especially if it’s meals for longer-term periods which you’re trying to prepare, or even for life in the case of those who are severely gluten intolerant.

So here’s a meal plan I’ve put together which you can use as a base from which to expand on and exchange the ingredients so that you can never run out of ideas as far as the composition of a gluten-free meal goes:

Meal Plan #1

For breakfast, enjoy a cup of skim milk, a cup of fortified gluten-free breakfast cereal and half a cup of grapefruit. For your morning snack a teaspoon of creamy peanut butter will do on a slice of gluten-free rice bread.

For lunch you can help yourself to some turkey and lettuce wraps, a corn tortilla and half a cup of papaya. For your afternoon snack you can help yourself to an ounce of low fat cheddar cheese and an apple.

For your gluten-free dinner some Tilapia (rubbed in chilli) with lemon and asparagus will make for a delicious and filling meal, along with a fresh coleslaw salad with half a cup of cooked brown rice and then have half a cup of blackberries.

Meal Plan #2

For breakfast help yourself to a cup of fortified gluten-free corn cereal, an ounce of skim milk, half of a small banana. You can follow that up with a small apple as your morning snack.

Lunchtime would have you enjoying a Spanish tortilla alongside an unsalted tortilla, served with coleslaw and washed down with a cup of skim milk. You would then enjoy a medium nectarine for your afternoon snack.

Dinnertime would see you enjoying chicken prepared to your liking with prunes and green olives, served with half a cup of cooked brown rice and steamed broccoli spears. Enjoy six ounces of low fat vanilla yoghurt with that.

This Chick Cooks

Meal Plan #3

Now to bring some variety to the typical gluten-free meal plan, with this one you’d enjoy a scrambled egg for breakfast with a slice of gluten-free soy bread and a cup of skim milk. A small banana will do for your morning snack.

A healthy gluten-free lunch would be comprised out of a smoked salmon salad with a slice of gluten-free buckwheat bread and six ounces of low fat vanilla yoghurt. One apricot will do for your afternoon snack.

Dinnertime would have you enjoying beef that’s stewed in vegetable broth instead of making a traditional beef stew that would otherwise have a gluten-based thickener, served with a cup of cooked soba noodles and half a cup of carrots. Top your dinner off with a cup of strawberries.

Mixing and matching these meal plans can yield an endless number of combinations and will have you never having to worry about variety again, but what it should also do is give you more ideas based on what is actually quite an extensive list of gluten-free ingredients to prepare you food with.

Sam Roberts

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